I know 2 posts in one day, quick call 9-1-1. Don't worry, I'm ok. I just found this, a friend of mine posted it, and I wanted to share.
What if NOTHING ever existed.
A hard thought to grasp.
What if GOD never existed.
If you're a Christian, you believe that if God never existed, nothing ever existed.
Without God, there is nothing. God made everything.
What if you weren't a Christian, or lets say that regardless of God, life had a beginning, and somehow, this earth, and its people, and the universe came to being.
What if God wasn't a part of it? What if there was NO ONE in control of everything.
What if there was no one to turn to when you feel like nobody else understands.
What if there was no one to turn to when you feel like nobody else understands.
I just thought about all that for a few minutes, and I am SO GLAD I have such a wise God.
Anyway, these are just some things I was pondering earlier. Any thoughts?
Yes, definite thoughts! What if there was no one to turn to when you felt like no one understood, scary, isn't that what pushes people to suicide? When all along there is a God who understands, cares, and loves you. Insted he gets push him away, ignored, the understanding, the love, the help, it's all rejected. For a life of freedom, what I want, when I want, not answering to anyone, misunderstanding, loneliness, and depression. Yes, being a Christian isn't easy, but hey if all else fails I've never be lonely. I've had times where I felt alone, misunderstood, and in despair. But I clearly remember God speaking and saying "It's o.k. I'm here." Do you know the joy, and love that comes flooding into your sould at that moment. It picks you up off the ground and you fly on the wings of the love of God. I don't remember the reference but the Bible says "I will never leave you or forsake you. O.k. o.k I'm looking it up, Hebrews 13:5. It also reminds me of something I read it a book once.
You can never be where God is not.
There is no place where you can out distance Him.
No dark corner where He is not already there waiting for your arrival.
No deep recess of your heart and soul that He does not know of.
No secret that He does not share.
And he does have power, to change, to keep, to do the impossible....
for without Him, nothing of importance is possible.
We can only fumnble and stumble in darkness.
But with Him there is light, even in the hardest (I would include darkest) of time.