
*beep beep beeeepppp*

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special announcement!!

I love

Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.

A Few Music Tidbits

I've been doing a little reading about music and it's effect on your brain, mostly on small children. It's really quite interesting. I can't wait to try it out on my children! If I ever have any!

So anyway, here's some of what I read.

"If you're working with little kids, you're not going to teach them higher mathematics or chess. But they are interested in and can process music.The mechanisms behind the "Mozart Effect" (listening to Mozart helps children learn math) remains murky, but they suspect that when children exercise cortial neurons by listening to classical music they are also strengthening circuits used for mathematics. "
"Music excites the inherent brain pattern and enhances their use in complex reasoning tasks."
"Musicians who learned to play string or keyboard instruments before adolescence appear to have larger areas of the brain devoted to touch perception of the fingers, as well as more highly developed nerve fibers, linking both halves of the brain."

Hitting Home

Last Friday a Marine Sergeant came into DQ. This is not an unusual thing, the same sergeant comes in about once a month. Dad let them put up a little recruiting information display up in the lobby and they come in once a month to check and stock it. Well, this particular sergeant has been coming in for probably a year. He always comes in in is dress uniform. Perfectly pressed and clean. He likes to get lunch and talk to dad. Well, he came in the other day, to check the display and tell Dad that he was being deployed and some one else will be taking over his duties. He said he'd be in to see us one more time before he left. He didn't know where he was going yet, or when he could be back. It really struck me, I guess I'd kinda forgotten about the war.... not a smart thing to do I know... but I had. So, it struck home, close to home, I don't even know the sergeant's name. But I know his face. I'll be praying for him.

Quote of the Day

"Sensible and Responsible women do not want to vote."

Grover Cleveland, 1905


Just wanted to say

I'm still here. Alive and kicking, just very tired and busy. Pretty much running from the time I wake up till I get in bed at night. Plus, I'm trying to catch up on the 90 Day Challenge. I was almost there, but I got a headache that lasted a week and now I'm a little behind again. I'm hoping to catch up tomorrow or Thursday. I'm supposed to be done on Sunday. I'll make it, I finished 1 Corinthians today.

Excuse we while I bust a few buttons :)

I just had to post these. Susie did a lot of work on the set for Peter pan this year. I don't think I need to say anymore, the pictures speak for themselves. :)

The Darling House
The Forest (lost boys tree fort inside and out)

The Mermaid Lagoon (during the performance they had blue material stretched across the stage that some of the freshman boys moved to look like water, it was totally awesome)

The Pirate Ship

Mermaid Costumes

Some of you may remember This post on Rebecca's Blog about the day we made mermaid costumes for the Peter Pan play. Well, the girls took them home and decorated them. And we finally got pictures of the full costumes. I thought they turned out pretty well :) We are missing one of the mermaids, she also played Nana the nursemaid dog, and she did bows in her dog costume, but you can see her in the bottom picture, she is wearing gold. We voted for a more modest version, Rebecca came up with the drape idea for the top. I was able to find material is gorgeous sunset colors. It was such fun!

Random Laughs

One of my friends posted this on her Xanga. It made me laugh!

Some Of My Favorite Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity...
1- Finish all your sentences with 'In Accordance With the Prophecy'

2- As often as possible, skip rather than walk

3- Specify that your drive-thru order is 'to go'

4- Sing along at the opera

5- When the money comes out of the ATM, scream 'I WON! I WON!'

6- Tell your children over dinner that 'due to the economy, we're going to have to let one of you go.'

7- Five days in advance, tell your friends you can't attend their party because you're not in the mood.

MY favorite:

8- When leaving the zoo, start running towards the parking lot yelling: 'RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!! THEY'RE LOOSE!!!'

The wrapper of the chocolate I opened this afternoon said "Always Sing Along With The Elevator Music" :)


1. Name someone who made you smile today? Ashley

2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? Kit for Kids work

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? turning out the lights for bed

4. Name something that happened to you in 1992? Let's see..... well... I learned something.

5. When is your birthday? November 1

6. Four words to explain why you last threw up? ewww! I was very sick.

7. What color is your hairbrush? black and silver

8. What was the last thing you bought? Food

9. Here do you keep your money? The bank

10. What was the weather like today? Cloudy, rainy, and cold.

11. Where did your last hug take place? At Mom's

12. What are you excited about? Sleep

13. Do you want to cut your hair? Umm... not really, I need more layers though...

14. Are you over the age of 25? Nope

15. Do you talk a lot? Probably

16. Do you watch The O.C.? Nope

17. Does your screen name have an "x" in it? No

18. Do you know anyone named Kelsey? Yes

19. Do you make up your own words? Yes

20. Are you ticklish? Yes, but I won't tell where.

21. Are you typically a jealous person? Isn't everyone

22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter "C": ummm.. hops over to Facebook.. Chris

23. Who's the last person to call you? Dad, most likely.

24. Do you chew on your straws? Nope

25. Do you have curly hair? Not really

26. What is the next concert you're going to? Joe has a choir concert on the 20th... I was maybe going to Beethoven's 9th last weekend but it didn't happen.... :(

27.Where did you go today? Work, and DBQ for violin lessons.

28. What is something you say a lot? _____ Dairy Queen this is Katie how may I help you.

29. Have you seen the movie 'Donnie Darko'? Nope

30. Do you have to work tomorrow? No, Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!

31. Who was the last person you said "I love you" to? Luke

32. What should you be doing right now? Going to bed.

33. Do you have a nickname? Yes

34. Are you a heavy sleeper? Usually

35. What are you listening to? Silence

36. What is the best movie you've seen in the past two weeks? Sense and Sensibility

37. Is there anyone you like right now? Nope, I don't like anyone at all ;)

38. When was the last time you did the dishes? Yesterday

39. Did you cry today? almost

The Finest Silver

I was thinking about this story the other day, then tonight when I was doing a little computer Spring cleaning low and behold, there it was :)

The Finest Silver

There was a group of women in a Bible study on the
book of Malachi. As they were studying chapter three,
they came across verse three which says: He will
sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. This verse puzzled the women and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out about the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible study.
That week this woman called up a silver smith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't
mention anything about the reason for her interest in
silver beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver.
As she watched the silver smith, he held a piece of
silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.
The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot - then she thought again about the verse, that he
sits as a refiner and purifier of silver. She asked the silver smith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left even a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.

The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silver smith, how do you know when the silver is fully
refined? He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's easy -
It's finished when I can see my image in it."

A weekend picture

o.k. besides the fact that I look like I have a double chin and am falling off the chair; I love this picture! Me with the "Darling" Children :)

Anne of Green Gables

Who are you in Anne's circle of friends?
Who are you in Anne's Circle of Friends?

My house (I think I was suppose to post this....)

O.k. so.. forever ago I took pictures of my new house to show everyone, especially Deb :-) I downloaded them to the computer and they disappeared.... :-( Well, I stumbled onto them tonight. So you all get to FINALLY see what our house looks like :) Minus the new improvements :)

Kitchen table :) our grandparents gave it to us!
I love free furniture.
That door goes to Rebecca's bedroom.

The other side of the kitchen :) Yes, we painted 2 walls red :)

The bathroom is little bitty, and really hard to take pictures of.. but here are the curtains I made. I took this picture through the space between the door jam and the door :)

Living room... that is now rearranged and we got new chairs :)
You can see them here on Rebecca's blog :)

And just cause :) here's my "bulletin board" :) yes, the walls in my room are purple... Not my favorite color... but nothing else went with the carpet :)

More Messiah Pictures

I found a guy on Facebook who had uploaded pictures he took at the last Messiah rehearsal. So, I swiped a couple :) Enjoy!