
*beep beep beeeepppp*

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special announcement!!

I love

Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.


Rebecca said...

Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it too!!!!

(Except WHY did Andrew and Sam have to get together???? who came up with that brilliant plot? /sarcasm)

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

I want to see it!!! *whines*

Can I take credit for getting it for you from the library?

Katie said...

I like that brilliant plot!

Lyd, I suppose you can if you want too... but Netflix is faster than the library :)

Lady Dvora said...

Yeah Lyd's I bet you and I could chip together to get Netflix?? I just saw the First Episode of the Famous Susan F.B.Eye so now I'm going to try to get them from the library :)