
I need some advice

I would really like a book to read that I could sink my teeth into.   I've tried several books.  But, they've all been unsuccessful.  Any ideas are welcome!


Sarah Dee said...

What kind of book... I love The Count of Monte Cristo and pondering it philosopically. :D

Nicky Story said...

a few suggestions...
if you want to:
1. be challenged: Cost of Discipleship (Bonhoffer)
2. be annoyed and depressed: The Road
3. laugh a little and see things from a different perspective: Blue Like Jazz
4. laugh a lot and learn about web design: Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability (ALL TIME FAV!)
5. Encourage and inspire: Lord, Only You Can Change Me: A Devotional Study on Growing in Character from the Beatitudes
6. learn about multitaskers: Alton Brown's Gear for Your Kitchen (another fav)
7. learn a bit about the imagination: The Christian Imagination: The Practice of Faith in Literature and Writing (Writers' Palette Book)
8. have a glimpse into what the love of God really is: The Four Loves (CS Lewis)
9. learn basics of cooking: How to Cook Everything: Simple Recipes for Great Food (Great kitchen reference!)
10. get hooked on silly girl books (Christian Fiction) and escape REAL life for a bit: What a Girl Wants (Ashley Stockingdale, Book 3)

Anonymous said...

After Nicky, all I can think of to suggest is...The Bible.

MaureenE said...

You might like Rosemary Sutcliff--an adventurous story but with some profound thoughts thrown in. Avoid Sword Song though--someone else finished it.

Or you might like The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Or Keturah and Lord Death by Martine Leavitt. If you haven't read all of Elizabeth George Speare's books, go to your library and get them! (Calico Captive, Sign of the Beaver, The Bronze Bow, The Witch of Blackbird Pond.)

I'm not sure how you feel about fantasy, but if you're okay with it, anything by Diana Wynne Jones is AMAZING.

The Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner.

I might think of a few more. :D

Katie said...

O.k. now, I just have to decide what to read first.

Maureen, I've read all of Elizabeth George Speare. The Bronze Bow is one of my all time favorite books.

Incomplete said...

If you want something to sink your teeth into, then anything REAL by C.S. Lewis. I've read Suprised by Joy and am working on Mere Christianity. Every C.S. Lewis fan and critic should read Suprised by Joy. Also, what is, suprisingly, a really good read, is The Millionare Next Door. (I'm asking God to help me understand how to apply the knowledge that I am gaining from it to my life now, at this point in history.)

Otherwise, go back and re-read your favorites; it's like having a conversation with a a really good friend that you love and that you haven't talked to in years. Also, you might re-read one of you favorites and discover that you don't like it nearly as much as you thought you did.

Anonymous said...

check becca's blog she just posted a huge list of book titles....:)

Kourtney Ann said...

Hi Katie
I just wanted to let you know that I will be changing my blog address.
If you want to know more go to my blog.

Pam H. said...

I'm reading Taylor Caldwell's The Dear and Glorious Physician. It's quite satisfying. Also, Robert Hugh Benson's books have been thoroughly satisfying, if occasionally difficult. G. K. Chesterton novels are good for laughter, while full of deeper meaning. For lighter reading, I like Patricia Reilly Giff. She's really for teenagers, but I like them anyway. They are full of hope in darkness.