
Life Update

So as of this last Wednesday I am officially a full time college student again. Not at UWP but with College Plus. And I'm not getting a music degree. It's kinda a long-short story. The long story is that I have been trying to finish my music degree for years and pretty much running into lots of brick walls. Which resulted in my getting pretty bruised and discouraged about the whole thing. Ready to forget it all. Except, I'm not the kind of person who does that. So, I spent many hours online looking for a way to do it online. I found a few things but I didn't feel comfortable about them. Then one day in the middle of church a thought dropped in my head. "Why not change your major?" Honestly, it startled me. And then I thought, why not. I wasn't sure what I would change it to. The thought was somewhat foreign. I got home and started looking at different majors, the only thing that was sticking out was computers. But Computer Science involves a lot of math; calculus, trigonometry, etc. EEEK!!!! And well.. computer programming with an emphasis would take me at least 4 year of full-time schooling and requires something ridiculous like 150 credits!!! So... I'm getting off track... I decided to check into College Plus. Mom said that they would look at my transcript and tell me if it was possible to finish music. I figured I might as well try and while I was waiting for my transcript I talked to mom about the computer thing. I had found out that I could do Computer Information Systems(CIS) which is less math but still computer related. Which is more like software programming and networking and such. She was totally ok with it and so was everyone else. It just made since. I felt really good about it because for me it was practically like doing a 180 in my career path. But I was comfortable with it right from the start, I'm been able to switch gears with very little thought. Granted I still catch myself checking out music options but it's habit. Besides with the current economy situation computers is a smarter field to go into than music. Everyone knows that the arts get cut first...

I talked to a lady College Plus and everything seemed great, made sense and seemed possible. I could double major in CIS and Music, but at this point I'm not sure about that, it might just be more work and not really necessary. She said that the credits I already have would all transfer over and I could be done in 2 years easily. It will cost a LOT LESS that a state college. So I enrolled. I am currently working my way through 1 book, 2 audio-books, and a DVD that you are required to do before starting. Audio books aren't my forte but I'm persevering. Then I'm diving into a History course that Debi already has the stuff for. So hopefully in 18 to 24 months tops I will have a degree!! It won't be hanging over my head anymore!!!

So, that's that. Hope it all makes sense...


Erica said...

yay!! That sounds awesome, Katie! Thanks for the update. =)

Jason M. said...

I am also a CollegePlus! student, getting my BSBA degree. I think that you will find the CollegePlus! process to be a huge time saver, but even more of a money saver. Using CollegePlus! methods, I have been able to complete over 3/4 of my degree, and should be finished while still 18. I love CollegePlus!.

I hope it goes well for you! If you have some time, come visit us on the student forums!

Kristi said...

Wow, Katie! It's been a while since I've visited my blog list. There's a lot going on that I have to get caught up on! Thanks for the update.