
Catching up

Hello everyone!!! I know it's been forever since I last posted. Life has been busy, busy, busy.

The most important thing that has happened is the birth of my baby sister: Sarah Elisabeth (Sarah Beth) was born on March 24th at 9:30 p.m. She weighed 7lbs. 5oz. and was 21 inches long. She is so precious to have around, and she is a very good baby. She sleeps well during the night so mom is getting her sleep and we are all doing well. Here are 2 pictures!!!

Last week I played in my first pit orchestra. It was quite the experience. I've always wanted to be in a pit orchestra and one of the local HS was looking for violins. So I volunteered. They did Annie Get Your Gun. It went fairly well. The conducter was strange, it was very difficult to follow him. I won't say anything else, because, well you don't want to get me started, it wasn't fun. Being in pit orchestras is a good thing for me to get into doing. If you play for opera houses and such, you get paid, so it would be a good thing to do on the side for some money.

Other than that I've been keeping busy doing normal stuff. IDD moved recently. I feel like crying, it's changed. I don't know how much longer I'll keep posting. I've been cutting back and cutting back, how long before I just leave..... And it's hard, I don't know what's up with me recently. I'm so emotional. You don't know me well enough, but I not an emotional person, I rarely cry, even at movies.....

Well, it is way past my bedtime, and I have a busy weekend ahead. I will try to post again soon.



Anonymous said...

Hey Katie,
this is Laura May, congrats on the new sister, she is very cute! I had no idea your mom was expecting but then we haven't e-mailed in a while either.....I will read your blog here since I have it bookmarked....

Have a great day!
Laura ~*

Sarah Dee said...

awww she is so adorable (I can't get enough of babies!!) :)

I tooo have been extremely emotional... What is up with that?!?!?!

I am so sad that Idd has changed but that's how everythiing in life is... changing for better or worse.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Katie, I'm sorry it's changing!! I know I've felt it myself, but hopefully we can keep the best of what it was the same.