
contacts are not always fun...

Most of you probably didn't know this, but I have been having problems with my contacts. It all started one Monday night during orchestra. My left eye started hurting, itching, and I was having trouble seeing out of it. The girl who sits next to me said my eye was all red. Well, I took my contacts out as soon as I got home. I figured I must have just gotten something in my eye or under my contact. My eye was pretty sore so I wore glasses for a few days. Then I put my contacts back it, and the same thing happened. I decided I should switch to a new pair of contacts to be safe. Well, I'd just gotten a new box from Walmart. Well, the first day I wore them there was absolutely no trouble. But that only lasted for one day. They started giving me headaches, I was having trouble with both of my eyes, and there were times I couldn't see very well at all.
I wondered if I have gotten a bad box of contacts, or maybe the wrong contacts. So, I called Walmart and explained everything to the nurse. She checked my records and said I got the right contacts, and she had never heard anyone say they were having the troubles, I had and that there was something wrong with my eyes, and I needed to see the eye doctor asap. Right, AAAHHH!!!!!!!

So, I finally got in to see the doctor on Thursday. And I am VERY pleased to report that there is NOTHING wrong with my eyes. The doctor said that I probably got a mislabeled contacts. So, I was right in the first place... I should be an eye doctor, I wonder how much money they make....

So, in the end, I paid money to be told that I got a bad set of contacts... at least my tax check is coming to pay for it. AND, the doctor gave me a prescription for a new type of contacts called Acuvue Osyas, they are the most comfortable contacts I have ever worn. They feel GRR8!!

I am so thankful that my eyes are all right, I was worried there for a while....


Rebecca said...

poor girl... thankfully, I have perfect vision... *grin* Love ya!

Erica said...

Ahhh, troublesome. I cannot wait until I can get contacts. I'm working this summer, so maybe after I start making a bit of money, I can get them. I figure the good outweighs the bad...I'm glad you got your contact problem figured out!


An Old Fashioned Girl said...

I should thank the Lord daily I have Mom's eyesight. You have my sympathy.

Lydia 8-)

P.S. That's a smiley with glasses on!

Serena said...

Make sure you're using the right contact solution, too. I was having trouble with my contacts about a month ago, and went to the optometrist (it was actually time to go, not an extra trip, fortunately), and he said that it was the contact solution. When he put my contacts back in my eyes after the examination, after having stored them in the proper solution, my eyes were actually clear, not cloudy and halo-y. You'll probably want to double check with your optometrist, but I have Acuvue Advance contacts, and my optometrist told me to use Alcon Opti-Free Replenish. To clear up the problem I was having, he also gave me a hydrogen peroxide disinfecting solution, that you don't even have to rinse off in the morning. It has a neutralizing tablet that turns it into water overnight. I've been using that about once a week, just to keep 'em extra clean. It's called Clear Care (Ciba Vision).

Sorry this is so long, but I thought it was valuable information, and I had no idea that the solution was so important until recently. No more generic brands for me!
So glad for your new contacts!
QueenOrual from S&S Board

Incomplete said...

All you contact embracers prepare for Princess Bride like disdain, *inhails deeply* "Boooooooooooo, Bow down to your nasty little contacts! Bow down to them. Boooooo!" From a guys a perspective, the right glasses, are cute, NOT a fashion liabillity. Of course I understand the whole "convenience" thing. How was that workin' for yah KitKat? By the way, if the opto-whatever people messed up your contacts, they should replace them or refund you at no cost.

Katie said...


Thanks for the input. I was having trouble with my contact solution a couple months ago. But thankfully, one of my sisters, who also wears contacts, had just been to the doctor, and he gave her a new solution improved solution. She let me borrow some and that fixed that problem :)

Contacts are a major convenience for me. I know you like my glasses, but they are getting old and I am afraid they will break sometime. So, until I can afford new frames, I will be wearing my contacts, a lot. I do wear my glasses. Just not as much as I used too. And it's so much easier to see the conductor with contacts in. It's so much easier to stay on the beat :)

Oh, and I got a complete refund. :)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear your eyes are a-ok!