
Spring has sprung!!!

I'm so happy!! It was 70 degrees on Tuesday!!!! Most of the snow we got, only 2 weeks ago.

There are green stems starting to poke their heads through the wet earth.

Makes me think of that song.
"When I see that little lily
pushing up that heavy clod
then I marvel at the wisdom of my God"

It's so nice to not have to bundle up just to go to your car. Or walk around the house with extra clothes on to keep warm. I LOVE spring!!!!

Of course now that I am finally posting this 2 days later. We had sleet and a little bit of snow last night. hehe.. But what do you expect, it's March.


Rebecca said...

I love spring!!

Anonymous said...

Spring is splenderifous isn't it? Yesterday I looked at my garden and I saw some carrots and red onions starting to sprout! I'm so excited.