
Quote of the Day (C.S. Lewis)

These quotes have to come with an explanation :) About a year ago Dad put in the movie Shadowlands.It is an excellent movie about the life of C.S. Lewis. Anyway, I didn't watch all of it, I came in about half-way through. But right away the following lines caught me ear and had me thinking for a few hours.

We read to know we are not alone. Do you believe that?
~C.S. Lewis

Experience is a brutal teacher, but we learn.
~C.S. Lewis

Why do we love if losing hurts so much?
~C.S. Lewis


Rebecca said...

We read to know we are not alone. I love that.

"he comes, he sleeps, he goes... and so... the plot thickens." probly not a direct quote for C.S. Lewis but funny just the same.