
So, here's the deal

I have an itch. 

I've never had it before.

It's a writer's itch.  The itching in my fingers to write, to type something worthwhile and enjoyable.  Even just blogging would do the trick, the only thing is, I have nothing to write about....


Pam H. said...

Read something in a style you like. Poetry often helps best. Other people's random musings are good, too. I mean historic other people - those who write well. They don't always talk about remarkable happenings. You have something to say. There is no one who doesn't. It's just figuring out how best to say it. You need what's called a "voice".

Learning how to draw realistically can also help unlock "the voice", but some people don't want to go that route. And you have to spend a lot of time at it. I mean hours.

Katie said...

Usually I don't have trouble with my "voice" my violin has been my voice for years. I've just recently been developing the need for a writing voice as well... I'm really not a big writer so it's interesting to watch it develop.

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling...try writing something kind of along the lines of a "This I believe". Something small that you really love...I don't know, that's just what I do :)

Pam H. said...

What Merrill Jane said - that's what I meant you'd use the voice for. Of course you've got one for the violin, but writing is like you have to learn another instrument. Placement of punctuation, length of sentences, sounds of letters, subtle differences in word meanings.... It's how to make the Real things we have to say, attractive to others. Reading those who are good at it helps us to learn. (I found drawing helpful in that it helped me see things I'd been in the habit of ignoring.) We need to support one another to make ordinary life an adventure - which it is, but sometimes too many small worries make our souls feel small. We want to learn to see ordinary things in a new way.