
Things I learned over Christmas

1. I'm old.

2 .Don't give children presents in come in boxes bigger than the child.

3. Be sure to supervise aforementioned child, especially if child is excited.

4. Don't play Apples to Apples with a bunch of cousins that are 10 years younger than you.  You will answer a lot of: what's this, who's this, and can you simply questions.

5. Don't plug too many crock-pots into one outlet.

6. Aforementioned action will result in a fuse being blown sending the entire basement into darkness.

7. If aforementioned fuse blows it is a good idea to have a flashlight.

8. Since most people don't carry flashlights around with them it is helpful to be in a room with 30 people. 20 of which have cell phones.

9. Singing "Silent Night" with 30 people while holding up aforementioned cellphones is fun.

10. Cousins grow up too quickly...

11. It takes 3 cousins to figure out how to get the DVD player to work when there are 3 remotes.


Pam H. said...

No one can figure out the DVD remote except my 13-year-old!

Glad you had a happy Christmas!