
I'm at it again

Yes, I am once again, as Dave puts it, being a helpless romantic. But you know what, it's not that bad! And it's kinda fun. Besides, this one is really sweet.

The internet is being weird so I hope this works...


DaveWick said...

Someday when I am on the roof of a castle with Kristi, and just happen to have a full orchestra handy, I will sing a spontaneous love song which, amazingly, we both know the words to and the orchestra knows the tune. But only if there isn't a creepy guy with a mask watching us...

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

LOL, Dave you're hilarous.

I like that song except that guy's hair drives me NUTS!

Sweet song...

Katie said...

Dave, if you can do that that would be awesome ;) I can come along and provide the music, that'd be better than the creepy guy. But it's mot a castle, it's an opera house. That would probably be easier to locate :)

And yes, Raoul's hair drives me nuts too.... thankfully his hair is much shorter in real life, that makes him less weird.

Katie said...

oh and Dave that song is from an Opera, not a musical, it's different. They are singing what they would normally just say....