
another... what can I say it's winter, people are bored...

[]short,under 5′4
[ ] 5′4″-5′5″ (im 5′5 and a half)
[ ] 5′5″-5.6″
[ ] 5′6.5 - 5′7 ”
[x] 5′7″ - 6′0
[ ] tall, 6′1 and up

[] blonde
[ ] redhead
[] dirty blonde
[] brownish
[x] dark brown
[ ] black
[ ] indian red/light brown

[] blue-eyed
[x] brown-eyed
[] black-eyed
[] green-eyed
[] hazel-eyed
[] gold/brown-eyed
[] silver/gray- eyed
[] blue/gray-eyed
[] green/gray-eyed
[] they change colors
[] amber

[x] glasses
[x] contacts
[ ] neither

[] short hair
[x] medium hair
[] long hair

Your favorite colour(s) are?
[x] red
[] khaki
[] aqua
[] pink
[] hot pink
[x] yellow
[] black
[x] green
[] lime green
[x] blue
[x] white
[ ] silver
[] purple
[] brown
[] orange
[] grey
[] fuschia
[] maroon
[] gold
[] teal
[] coral
[] clear o.O
[] bronze
[] I don’t really care
[] rainbow

Your personality is sometimes…
[x] talkative
[ ] shy-
[x] funny-
[x] serious-
[] laid back-
[] hyper-
[x] sarcastic-
[ ] slow-
[] all of the above-

You like listening to:
[] pop
[] country
[] christian
[x] orchestral/classical
[] techno
[x] oldies
[x] opera (depending)
[ ] 80’s
[ ] disco
[ ] rap
[ ] classic rock
[ ] punk
[ ] pop punk
[ ] metal
[ ] hip-hop
[] rock
[] alt/indie rock
[] emo
[] foreign rock
[] skate
[] lots of different stuff

The pets you have/ had?
[x] cat
[x] dog
[ ] lizard
[] rat
[] ferret
[] bunny
[x] fish
[] horse
[x] bird
[] frog
[ ] hermit crab
[ ] turtle
[] hamster
[] snake
[] gerbil
[] guinea pig
[] pig
[] goat
[] chinchilla
[] tarantula
[] geese
[] baby chicks
[] baby ducklings
[] none
[] hedgehog
[] snail
[] pirahna
[] sea gull
[x] newt
[] pigeon
[] Donkey
[] other

Your confessions:
[] I’m afraid of silence
[x] I am really ticklish
[] I’m afraid of the dark
[] I’ve collected comic books…
[] I open up to others TOO easily
[x] I read the newspaper (sometimes)
[] I love Disney movies
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous eyes
[x] I am a sucker for a gorgeous smile
[] I don’t kill bugs
[] I have “x”s in my screen name
[x] I bake
[] I have worn pajamas to class
[] I love Martha Stewart
[] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[x] I am self-conscious
[x] I love to laugh
[ ] I can’t swallow pills
[x] I bite my nails
[x] I play computer games when I’m bored
[x] I have gotten lost in the city
[] I have gone out in public in my pajamas
[] I have made out in an elevator
[] I have been skydiving
[] I have been bungee jumping
[] I have bitten someone
[] I have egged or rolled a house/car
[] I have smashed into a car
[] I have been fired
[] I have been skinny dipping
[x] I do notes when I'm bored

Have you ever…
[x] seen a shooting star
[ ] joke proposed to anyone
[ ] eaten Sushi
[x] gotten the chicken pox
[ ] ridden in a taxi
[ ] been on a cruise ship
[ ] driven over 400 miles in one day
[ ] been on a plane by yourself
[ ] had surgery
[ ] seen a movie more than 2 times in the theater in one day
[x] been on stage
[x] gotten a black eye
[x] memorized all the dialogs in a movie
[ ] watched an entire baseball game

Do you like…
[x] old movies
[x] musicals
[] blasting music in your car
[x] foreign foods (some)
[] gameboy Pokemon
[x] Christmas time
[x] animals (some)
[x] coffee
[x] tea
[x] summer
[] winter
[x] fall
[x] spring


Kristi said...

Hi Katie!
It was fun to read about you!

Pam H. said...

We've had all the same pets, too.

I've also had frogs (tadpoles), turtles and snakes for pets, too. Not for long, the snakes. I couldn't bear to feed them.