
Contacts, again...

Some of you may remember this post from a while back....
The Fiddler's Nook: contacts are not always fun...
Well, the contact saga should have had a
to be continued....
at the bottom of it. You see, after I got my new contacts, they were awesome for a few days and then I started having problems again. I couldn't see clearly. I wasn't sure if I was seeing double, fuzzy, or what? And in the beginning I wasn't sure what eye it was. After a few days, I called the doctors office and talked to the nurse. She said that it might be the weather and gave me a few things to try. If those didn't work I was to come in and see the doctor, maybe there was a problem with my prescription. I tried most of the things that she suggested (the ones that didn't involve buying drops), nothing worked, nothing changed. The only new thing was I'd figured out it that definitely my right eye that was going fuzzy and such. So, this morning I went to the doctor. He checked my prescription, and such. The diagnosis, there is a little tiny 1mm rip in the center of my right contact. The rip is so small is it barley visible to the naked eye, which is why I didn't notice it when I examined the contact for anything unusual. This rip will over the course of the day irritate your cornea, and actually cause your eye to cloud up. Hence, fuzzing my vision. Strange no? So, I replaced that contact with a new one. That was... 13 hours ago, I haven't had one problem sense....
What's up with me lately? I don't usually have any trouble at all!

Oh a good side note, the eye doctor actually came by DQ, on what I assume was his lunch break, to drop me off a new contact to replace the ripped one. I LOVE living in a small town. In a big city, the doctor probably doesn't know where you work, let alone stop by on his lunch to bring you a new contact. Yes, I'm a small town, country girl, hick. But, I like it!

So.. that's the latest chapter on my eyes. I am by faith inserting,



Anonymous said...

THE END. Oh Katie, I sure do hope this is the end for you
(that came out wrong...I just ment that in the world of contact problems. Not life.)
Do you still like contacts? As a whole?
My glasses are in right now so I am wearing Audrey's. It's really odd...