

I officially hate TAXES!!!! So much for all those extra hours I put in. They just went bye bye in my taxes..... I hope I get a big tax refund check this year..


Erica said...

AGH!!! $10 on my last check was taken off for medicare and social security. I was NOT happy. Ten dollars!!! That's a lot of money!

Katie said...

It was almost$80 out of my last one. That's like a day and a half of work....

It changed once you turn 18, I think... it does in WI anyway..

Lady Dvora said...

Wow!! I like the new background. Very you-ish

Anonymous said...

*swooning over the background*

I didn't see this one at pyzam! I guess I didn't look hard enough :)

Katie said...



I used a template I liked and changed the background. Steph took this picture of my violin when she was taking pictures for Hymns 2. I cropped and recolored it.