
Quote of the Day

"Sensible and Responsible women do not want to vote."

Grover Cleveland, 1905



Rebecca said...

I'm a bit of a feminist in that I think women should have a vote. I see no reason why they shouldn't.

Kristi said...

I'd have to say I disagree with him. I'm not really into politics or anything, but to be silent and do nothing when given the chance to speak for righteousness - or against evil - doesn't seem right.

Like I said, I'm not into getting politically involved/demonstrating, etc. We need to use the weapons of our warfare and prayer in many of those circumstances. But when it comes to an election, we should speak for righteousness.

Kristi said...
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Pam H. said...

I can see his point - it's not good, women going into things like politics, because the home and family are so very much more important and even crucial for the nation. And women (because they have the ability) tend to take over things like that, even to the point of neglecting their families, given a chance. (I've seen this often, in successful career women. It's very sad. Men seem to be able to compartmentalize their lives better.) But I think we should be able to speak up for where this country is going.