

He can't possibly think that he's going to get away with this! 


Valerie said...

Hmmm, not exactly the presidential seal, but pretty close.

That guy gives me the creeps.

JT said...

hi katie an online latin-english translator said that "vero possumus"
which is what his symbol says means
"in truth to be able".

whatever that's supposed to mean.

Katie said...

Obama told the media it means. Yes we can. Don't know why he thought it necessary to revise the meaning. He obviously thought we wouldn't understand unless he used fewer words....

DaveWick said...


Not sure that's really a revision.


In truth = yes
To be able = we can

Many times the literal translation of a foreign language doesn't make sense, especially since the English verb usage is so much different than most other languages. However, if you know the source language you can translate it more accurately into modern language. Case in point the German phrase "auf wiedersehen" which literally means "Until again to see" but we simply translate this as "goodbye".

Katie said...

You're right, it's not really a revision. I just thought it was interested that we is telling the media it that way. I would think they would say "in truth to be able" in other words "yes we can". Personal opinion though. I mean, I understand it better the first way.