

I was looking back over previous posts and I realized. The most comments I've gotten on any post was 9. My average is probably 3. So, just out of curiosity, what makes you comment on some posts and not others??

I know, I know, what's up with Katie, her last 2 post have been questions to her readers. I must be in a contemplative mood or something...


Rebecca said...

um.... if I think of something to say, I say it. If not, then I don't. :-)

MaureenE said...

I tend to comment if the post is insightful and interesting in some way. I occasionally comment on picture posts, especially ones of your family.

MaureenE said...

Interesting is such a great descriptive word there. Sorry. Umm....I really don't know how else to describe it. If the post grabs me somehow and I feel like I want to express something about it or my reaction to it, I comment.

Shannon said...

I comment on a post - anyone's post - if the post engages me and actually makes me think of something and wasn't just thrown out there to make sure today's date had something posted on it; or if there is a giveaway that I am interested in (ala Anna's this week); or if I feel like I have something to contribute to that person's post (like the lady who was modeling a white shirt she had sewn and definitely needed a subtle hint amidst all the "ooo, it's FABULOUS!" comments that she should wear a camisole underneath it before she wore it to go teach HIGH SCHOOL.

That's what makes me post. When I write a post, I appreciate so much more the comments that actually SAY something and aren't just a couple of words of praise "good job!", "so nice!", "LOVE it!" thrown out just to say something. I'd prefer to hear what the post made you think about rather than just have "oh, beautiful" fifty times.

And even if I think the post is interesting to me, I'm sure not going to comment "that's a nice fact" if that was all I thought of it.

Sorry, I saw this about 20 minutes after getting out of bed this morning, and Tyson says he can't believe how much of a motormouth I can be in the morning. He's not up, so I guess I'm "motoring" to you! :)

Anonymous said...

I comment when I have something interesting to say on the subject. I enjoy all of your posts but I not always have something to say!