
Annoucement, annoucement!!!
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Apparently, I don't exist...

In fact our entire family does not exist...... that's strange... I thought we existed, maybe I should have someone pinch me.... Thankfully, according to this database, some, but not all of our friends exist. So they can vouch for us :)


Anonymous said...

There are 50 others with my name! I think you have a more uncommon surname, that's all. ;-P

Anonymous said...

Um, that was me. VB. Sorry. :D

Kristi said...

Apparently my first name was something around the 610th most popular name. Most popular WHERE, I'm not sure.
There's no one with my last name. Or so they say. I know better!

Laura Leigh Dobson said...

hi!! i just wanted to pop over and say hello. i realized i have not been to your blog in a while and i don't know if i have ever commented. anyway, i will be more faithful in checking your blog. take care!!