
Houston, we have take off

I happened to end up in the lobby this morning just after the Space Shuttle Discovery took off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. They had a camera on the External Tank (the orange thing). I could see the earth from forever up. In 7 minute they were up to 10000 MPH and were using fueling at the rate of emptying a normal swimming pool in 25 seconds. Then they showed when the shuttle detached from the external tank. Well... needless to say it was totally AWESOME!!! I want to be an astronaut!!!!!!!!!!!!!


DaveWick said...

You go girl! Let us know when your first flight is so we can go down to FL and watch the liftoff.

Anonymous said...

I don't! o_0


Miss Alice said...

Your comment about liking my blog was so sweet, Katie. Although I mostly lurk, I really enjoy seeing what everyone's thinking about...blogs are fun!

Lord bless you!

Anonymous said...

Amen! I had a science book on Astronomy once...I could hardly put it down! It was so awesome. And I usually detest science...especially botany...Wow, but that astronomy was great!