
Did you know?

If you ever go to Washington D.C. here's a little tid bit you need to know ahead of time.

There is a key to the statues that involve the horses.

If the horse has all four legs on the ground it mean the rider survived the war/battle.
(General George Thomas)

If the horse has three legs on the ground, one leg up that means the rider was wounded during the war/battle.
(John Logan)

If the horse has 2 legs on the ground, 2 legs up it mean the rider died in the war/battle.

(Sorry I couldn't find a picture)

There are of course a few exceptions......

General Andrew Jackson - future president of the United States, lived and was unwounded

But hey, if it worked everywhere that would be a great way to learn history.

P.S. Out tour guide said that if there are 3 legs off the ground it means the horse and rider both died ;)


Anonymous said...

Yep, I learned that from a friend who lives near Gettysburg. :-D